A safety net for parents of children with serious illnesses
No matter where you are in this journey, you share something with every other parent of a child with a serious illness – we find ourselves pacing the floor in the middle of the night, worrying and wondering. We want to do everything we can to ease our child’s pain and help them live fully. Lack of sleep, money worries, work pressures, the needs of our other children, our spouses and our relatives—everything has an effect on our ability to cope.
Other parents just like you have done it and are doing it right now. This site is created for you by those parents. We understand what you are going through because we have been there ourselves. We have insights and experience to share and knowledge that you won’t readily find anywhere else.
We want this site to be a haven (albeit an electronic one) where you can feel the solace of kindred spirits while finding the information you need to cope with your situation and navigate this difficult journey.